Version one point oh!
I'm really excited to finally share the latest "big" little game I've been working on! Anyone who was following along with development might know it better by its working title "Ceaseless Discharge." I had a certain fondness for the original name, but it sounded kinda gross to anyone who didn't get the Dark Souls reference lol.
I really can't thank DJ Tent Mode enough for once again breathing life into my little projects with another banger of an OST (even though I had to get him to temper some of the buzziest lead instruments for the sake of my players' ears...some day I'll let him cut loose with a full on FM synth assault). Thanks to anyone who followed along or helped out with some playtesting on the Topic Lords, Action Button, and Arcade Commons Discord servers, especially Evan for some clutch feedback and Jim Stormdancer for...uh...something you'll have to play the game for a bit to experience.
Oh, also have to give an extra special thank you to Joan, who essentially commissioned the project by demanding something to keep her occupied now that she's wrung pretty much all she can out of Tetris Attack, Lumines, and Suika Game. Hope everyone enjoys tripping some wires!!!
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