Annotated code
#TWEETCAT » Devlog
--initialize --turn off button repeat if held down poke(0x5f5c,255) --x and y coords for each possible target location h={32,96,64,64} u={64,64,32,96} --index for randomly chosen target location i=0 --starting countdown timer t=40 --score counter s=0 --target button prompt b=4 --countdown timer after each round m=30 --lives counter l=9 --score string and circle shorthand j='score:' o=circ --choose new target location and button prompt function n() i=ceil(rnd(4)) b=rnd({4,5}) end --set initial random target n() --game loop ::_:: --update --reset kitty coords x=61 y=64 --update target coords z=h[i] w=u[i] --decrement timer t-=1 --reset target color to grey k=13 --player misses, lose a life, reset timer, turn target red, new target if(t<5) n() l-=1 t=m k=8 --move kitty if correct direction held if(btn(i-1)) x=z y=w --player hits, score point, lower max timer, turn target green, new target if(t<9 and btnp(b) and x==z and btn()<48) s+=1 m-=0.25 n() t=m k=11 --clamp timer minimum if(m<16)m=16 --draw cls() --game not over if l>0 then --draw kitty ?"🐱",x,y-4,14 --prompt player to move during initial round if(t>30) ?'move!' --draw kitty's...neck?..body?..use your imagination! line(64,64,x,y) --draw target button prompt ?("🅾️❎")[b-3],z-3,w-2,b+6 --draw shrinking and target circles o(z,w,5,k) o(z,w,8) o(z,w,t,t%10) --print score ?j..s,0,0,14 --print vert row of hearts for life counter for i=1,l do print("♥") end --game over else --print score ?j..s,x-14,y --bouncing kitty ?'🐱',x,y*cos(t/m)/8+48,14 end flip() --reset game loop goto _
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